Kitimat -38°C

It turned minus 38 degrees Celsius when I left Kitimat-Stikine on Feb 9th 2019. The district is located in British Columbia along the Canadian border to Alaska. In these northern latitudes people often originate from Inuits. Six layers of clothes and special boots with heated insoles are normal. Not covering your face means struggle with breathing.

Industrial district near Smithers airport.

Drivers must be very aware of not running out of fuel on those endless icy roads like the BC Highway 37 to Alaska. Warming up with a cup of coffee is always worth a stop at the very few stations like this one beside Skeena river.

Ironically ice cream is being sold  too. Maybe this travel mate from Panama is looking forward to it? He stopped by near Mehan Lake and didn‘t speak a single word english.

His bike was totally overloaded with a broken rear suspension, but WHAT AN ADVENTURE driving all the way up here into deep winter… have a safe journey mate!

Crossing the steel bridge on Dease Lake Highway south of Ningunsaw Provincial Park.

Stay warm folks!

Related: Dealing with extreme temperatures

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